Cooking with Beer - Beer Recipes
Cooking With Beer - Beer Recipes

have always loved to cook. I remember being in the kitchen with my grandmother when I was young and begging to do anything I could to help make dinner. I purchased an Italian restaurant in Three Rivers, Michigan in 1999 in hopes of getting the opportunity to bring in some my own recipes. However, the restaurant was so popular before I purchased it, that I was afraid of making any great changes to the menu. We basically continued using the previous owners recipes. So I will express my cooking creativity here on the internet, where there is no danger of going out of business.

I have also always loved beer. So this section of my website is sort of like having your two best friends get together. I hope you enjoy these recipes. Some of them are mine, and some were emailed to me by friends. All comments on these recipes, good or bad, are appreciated.

If you came directly to this page as a result of a search, be sure to visit the main part of this site for more great information on beer. Go to


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